Welcome back, hope you all had a great holiday! Last week's blog focused on coloring feathers in honor of Turkey Day. This week's poster features another great brown bird... An eagle :) However, our focus of today will be coloring the background of this scenic poster, specifically the trees.

Generally, when I think of trees I automatically reach for that green marker. But sometimes you have to mix it up by bringing in some gorgeous autumn colors. Take inspiration from nature around you (assuming the trees in your area haven't already shed all their glory). So check out our poster "
Soaring Bald Eagle" and "
Chinese Bridge", and don't be afraid to throw in those oranges, yellows, bright reds, and maroons. Or maybe even pink to represent a cherry blossom tree :) The colors will pop out and add a little warmth to your poster (just be careful if you don't want to take attention away from your subject matter). Have fun, be creative! And tell me some of your own coloring strategies for scenery in the comment section below!
Color on,